Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The frog in the shallow well

The frog is looking,seeing,staring,observing everything around him. It concentrates itself and focues on the ways he will choose. Look at its face, or even its eyes, trigged or worried? It might be wondering why the god likes joking with a poor frog kid.

Or perhaps it might vow to the god the words like I will get out that damned well where's full of nastily creaky crickets everywhere which make me sick, and you'll see the moment I create for you only and hear the gravely boomed voice from the remote top of Kilimanjaro.

All for you,the pushed around god.
Oh poor frog,clear your eyes and take action,you had better jump, jump, jump to get out,even though you would die, with the honor of trying. Remember you're born not to play silly tricks with those annoying ones, but to truly experience the beauty of sunshine, the sweetness of flower and the ultimate meaning of life you create.
You see, you are watching,either the god.

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