Saturday, December 1, 2012

Pi & Richard Parker

庆幸Pi与他的海上伴侣孟加拉虎Richard Parker总算是在历经227天后活下来了.
然而当Richard Parker拖着蹒跚的步伐平静的离开那一幕确实还是给他带来些许的内疚与忏悔.毕竟这位生命伴侣就这样平静的而且是永远的离开了他.
Quote from life of pi chapter 94:
It's important in life to conclude things properly.Only then can you let go.Otherwise you are left with words you should have said but never did,and your heart is heavy with remorse.
I wish so much that I'd had one last look at him in the lifeboat, that I'd provoked him a little, so that I was on his mind. I wish I had said to him then---yes, I know, to a tiger, but still-- I wish I had said,"Richard Parker, it's over. We have survived. Can you believe it? I owe you more gratitude than i can express. I couldn't have done it without you. I would like to say it formally: Richard Parker, thank you. Thank your for saving my life. And now go where you must. You have known the confined freedom of a zoo most of your life; now you will know the free confinement of a jungle. I  wish you all the best with it.
Watch out for Man. He is not your friend. But I hope you will remember me as a friend. I will never forget you, that is certain.You will always be me, in my heart. What is that hiss? Ah, our boat has touched sand. So farewell, Richard Parker, farewell. God be with you."

Wednesday, June 6, 2012



Saturday, May 19, 2012

business manner business etiquette learning


Background: After my presenting the advance cheque of USD 15,000 to Mr.S's office at about 10:00 Am on 17 May. he sent me an acknowledgement and inform letter at about 5:00 Pm.
Dear Mr. Morlyn Wang,

Thank you for the cheque of USD 15,000 you presented to our office this morning.

Unfortunately, when we presented it at the Bank of Africa they stated that the Bank of Tanzania regulations are that no cheque greater than USD 10,000 can be cashed at any one time.

Therefore we ask 1 of 2 things please?
1.      A telegraphic transfer into our bank account?
2.      Issue two cheques or either equal amounts or 10,000 and 5,000?

If TT is convenient please instruct your bank to pay:

Account Name: XYZ
Bank: Bank of Africa
Branch: Development House
Account no: 123456789
Account Type: USD
Swift Cade:ABC

Please acknowledge receiving this email and advise what course of action you are taking?

Yours sincerely,

I replied Mr.S with an acknowledgement and business apology  letter.
Dear Mr.S,

This letter is to acknowledge receiving your email this afternoon

We deeply regret that the cheque of USD 15,000 can't be cashed, and apologize for the inconvenience. We will take back the previous cheque of USD 15,000 and issue two cheques to make the payment to you tomorrow.

We thank you for your patience.

Yours sincerely,

Thank you so much Mr. Wang. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Please go direct to R as I will be out of office most of the day. 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

touched heartstrings

The pure voice, and the emotional ballad from Michael, which sounds so simple but mature. You can feel the pain in it when you concentrate on the song---she's out of my life  (demo)
She's Out Of My Life
She's Out Of My Life
And I Don't Know Whether To Laugh Or Cry
I Don't Know Whether To Live Or Die
And It Cuts Like A Knife
She's Out Of My Life

It's Out Of My Hands
It's Out Of My Hands
To Think For Two Years She Was Here
And I Took Her For Granted I Was So Cavalier
Now The Way That It Stands
She's Out Of My Hands

So I've Learned That Love's Not Possession
And I've Learned That Love Won't Wait
Now I've Learned That Love Needs Expression
But I Learned Too Late

She's Out Of My Life
She's Out Of My Life
Damned Indecision And Cursed Pride
Kept My Love For Her Locked Deep Inside
And It Cuts Like A Knife
She's Out Of My Life

Monday, April 23, 2012


The Iron Lady,这是一部讲述英国第一位女首相Margaret Thatcher(好像大家都称撒切尔夫人,她貌似也算欧洲史上第一位女首相)的传记片。片子从老年时的撒切尔夫人断断续续的回忆中讲述这位女强政治家的半生,看后算是能对撒切尔夫人能够有个大致的了解,包括从杂货店女儿到女首相再到行事专横而卸任。特别要提到影片的化妆效果甚是厉害,获奥斯卡最佳化妆奖,还有女主演Meryl Streep的精湛演技也得到奥斯卡的肯定,总之是一部值得一看的了解历史人物的传记电影。在此推荐。(以下为演员真人对比)

Friday, April 20, 2012

I wish

I wish
I was a camera sometimes
so I could
take a picture with my mind
put in a frame for you
to see
how beautiful you really are to me

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Curse the person who did the bad work

Actions yield consequences

"That decision affected not only their own lives but the lives of their children, who fell victim to their parents' foolish choices. The innocent often suffer for the sins of others. That is one of the tragic consequences of wrong choices."--bible

Monday, April 9, 2012


It has been quite a long timg since the movie hugo won and nominated several Acandemy Awards, now it's the right time to comprehend the real value of it. 
If you have kind of interest in understanding the history of the filmmaker Georges Méliès ,then the the movie is absolutely worth it. It's quite interesting to see how the earliest movies were shot and how special effects were used.  

Most important, we'll get to know a legendary film master Georges Méliès.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Quote from Mr. Unkown


is like a camera

just focus on what's important


capture the good times

develop from the negatives ,

and if things don't work out,

just take another shot.